We did some bad stuff to the native Maori people
of New Zealand back in the 19th century. Well, when I say ‘we’, of course I
don't mean my actual family - they were all perfectly nice people. Bad things were
done, is what I wanted to say. We Caucasians moved into their country and gradually took over. We raised our flag
and insisted that the locals honour it and the system of government it stood for.
We brought diseases to which they had no natural resistance and decimated their
population. We belittled the local language and culture, and insisted that the
people speak English, become Christian, wear clothes and stop eating each
other. When they resisted, we made war on them and, after defeating them with
our superior technology, we confiscated their land as a punishment for their
disloyalty to Queen Victoria.
![]() |
US Predator Drone - 21st century gunboat diplomacy |
Surprisingly, some of these people managed to
survive, even to retain remnants of their cultural heritage, and for the past thirty
years or so, successive NZ Governments have been making attempts to compensate
for the wrongs of the past. Undoubtedly there are some members of the dispossessed
indigenous race who see the only fair solution being for all of us pakeha whitefaces to up sticks and go
back where we came from. On the other hand, I know for a fact there are others
who have achieved success in the modern English-speaking world of the
twenty-first century and have no interest in harking back to the Stone Age past
of their ancestors. Between these two extremes there is a broad spectrum of
opinion such that finding a solution satisfactory to all is pretty unlikely.
My paternal grandfather's grandfather brought
his family to New Zealand in one of the very early immigrant ships from Britain
back in 1842. Written history in our part of the world doesn't go back much
further than that. Even the Maori people we displaced only arrived about one
thousand years ago. Before that, New Zealand was an empty land of primeval
forests and happily ambulating birds that, to a greater or lesser extent, had
lost the motivation and in some cases, even the wherewithal, to fly.
In the lands of the Middle East and Eastern
Mediterranean, such a time frame barely counts as history at all. Turks trace
their arrival into Asia Minor/Anatolia back to 1071 CE - and some of their
neighbours are still of the opinion that they should go back to Central Asia
where they came from. Nevertheless, as I suggested above, even that
historically minuscule period of 170 years is sufficient to ensure that, for
the majority of New Zealanders, there is no going back. I'm reasonably sure
that some of my relatives in Scotland would welcome us to the land of our
fathers and mothers - but I don't want to go, and I don't know many who do.
There we are, for better or worse, white-faced English speaking New Zealanders,
physically and emotionally attached to our island outpost of empire in the vast
emptiness of the South Pacific Ocean. And I have no doubt that, if the need
arose, we would fight for it again.
Which brings me back to the Middle East, and, in
particular, the seemingly insoluble ongoing problem related to Israel and
Palestine. However much sympathy one has for the Jewish people, it is a sad
fact that, for most of their history, they have not had a self-governing state
to call their own – well, perhaps that’s one reason we have so much sympathy for them.
Apart from the conquests by Babylonians and Egyptians documented in the Bible,
defeat and exodus continued under the Romans after their invasion of the region
in 63 BCE. The original meaning of the word diaspora
refers specifically to the exile or dispersal of the Jewish people that went on
for perhaps a thousand years, continuing even after the Christianisation of the
Roman Empire. Christians seem, in fact, to have been the worst offenders,
blaming Jews for the rejection and killing of Jesus Christ – somewhat
perversely, one might think, given that his death, as I recall, was largely a
matter of personal choice, and fundamental to the essential doctrine of Christianity.
Still, who looks for logic in organised religion?
Interestingly, the return of Jewish people to
their ancestral homeland seems to have begun in the late 19th
century, while Palestine was part of the Muslim Ottoman Empire. I have written before on the special
relationship between Jews and Ottomans, a relationship continued until recently
by the modern Republic of Turkey. The Ottoman Government welcomed Spanish Jews
fleeing from the atrocities of the Inquisition in the 15th century.
Several Turkish diplomats, at considerable personal risk, rescued many Jews
from the gas chambers and ovens of the German Third Reich. It’s possible that
the Ottomans might have found a better long-term solution to the Palestinian
problem – but the Brits took over after the First World War, and that was the
end of that possibility.
The trickle of Jews into Palestine became a flood
as pogroms in Eastern Europe metastasised into the full-scale genocide of Hitler’s ‘Final
Solution’. European states that ‘care’ so much today closed their doors to
Jewish refugees in those days. The British Government went a step further and
prevented many from entering Palestine, setting up detention centres in Atlit on the border, and in
In 1948, with the assistance of the United
Nations and the USA, Jewish nationalists laid claim to, fought for and won the
right to occupy (if might is right) a patch of turf in the southeast corner of
the Mediterranean. Small it may have been, but people were living there who had
to be displaced to create the new state of Israel. Of course there is a
historical argument to be made for the right of Jewish people to a homeland of
their own where Abraham led his wandering tribes in fulfilment of God's
promise, and Solomon built his fabled temple. And there was a whole heap of
collective guilt to be assuaged at the end of World War II. Of course
it was the Germans who were responsible for the horrors of Auschwitz and Dachau
- but Europe has a long history of persecuting the Children of Israel - and the
Bible has few kind words for Philistines, if you need further justification.
So the modern state of Israel came into being on
14 May 1948, and with a tad of imagination, we can think that there were others
in the vicinity who were not one hundred percent happy about that. Certainly
the immediate response from local Arabs was an invasion and a war that went on
for a year. It was roughly two thousand years since the Hebrew race had governed
themselves in that land, and the new state had to be populated with willing
migrants from countries abroad where their ancestors had dwelt for centuries,
if not millennia. Still, once they were there, possession became nine-tenths of
the law. And after two generations, use and habit added strength to possession.
Without doubt, the people of the new state have worked wonders to create a
modern, wealthy powerful nation. And who can blame them for wanting to create
also a buffer zone to insulate themselves from those neighbours who still
harbour resentment?
I have no problem with the desire of Jewish
people for a self-governing homeland. It's a perfectly understandable wish, and
history has not treated them kindly in that respect. Nevertheless, there are
two indisputable facts to set against the logical and emotional appeal of the self-determination
First, there is historical reality. Tribes,
races, nations and empires do conquer each other, occupy their territories,
subjugate their people and generally impose their will on the conquered. After
a few generations have passed, it becomes difficult to determine who exactly is
who, and, even if you could, where you would send the descendants of the
conquerors in order to restore the land to its original owners. Forget New Zealand
and its Maoris, what about the Anglo-Saxons, or the Norman French in England,
US citizens of European ancestry, and descendants of the Spanish and Portuguese
conquerors of Latin America?
Second, there is the problem of enforcement, and
the need to deal with the unpleasantness and misery caused by the displacement
and relocation of all those people who had very likely been living contentedly
in the disputed territory for generations, and had come to think of it as their
own. Here we can think of the forced population exchanges that followed the
independence and partition of India and Pakistan, and the foundation of the
modern Turkish Republic. And of course the problem does not end with uprooting
and resettlement. Resentment lingers, and may result in outbreaks of violence
and attempts to reclaim former homelands.
Such violence is never far below the surface in Northern Ireland, and
Turkey is still struggling to find a solution to its Kurdish question.
So, the United States and its allies helped to
establish the modern state of Israel, and once again let me make it clear that
I am not arguing against that. Unfortunately, their good deed could not end
there. Without US financial and military support, the fledgling state would not
have survived. The need to back Israel is a constant determiner in US foreign
policy, and is possibly the single most important factor standing in the way of
a lasting peace in the Middle East.
No one loves nuclear weapons (we fervently hope)
but most of us accept the argument that they are an unfortunate necessity in
the modern world. If I don’t have them, and my enemy does, he may be tempted by
the power imbalance thereby created, to take advantage of my weakness. 'Mutually
Assured Destruction' has long been the ironic insurance against nuclear annihilation.
Nevertheless, limits must be imposed, and clearly we do not want ‘rogue’ states
having access to a nuclear arsenal. This was the justification for George Dubya’s
invasion of Iraq (though it subsequently turned out to have been unfounded) –
and may yet provide a pretext for a new invasion of, or at least a punitive
strike on Iran.
Leaving aside the question of whether the 2003
Iraq invasion could be retrospectively justified on other grounds, it is clear
that a secondary motive for US use of military force in the Middle East (if we
assume that the first is oil) is to ensure there is only one state in the
region with nuclear capability. In the eyes of US policy-makers, and the
Government and people of Israel, this motive may be wholly justifiable – but it
is never going to be an easy sell to neighbours who feel threatened or angered
by Israeli expansion. Who in the world recognises Jerusalem as the capital of
Israel apart from the Israelis themselves? The borders of the modern state of
Israel have never been officially drawn, so gradual infiltration followed by annexation
seems to be the time-honoured practice. Unfortunately for successive US administrations,
the good intentions of their post-war predecessor, Harry S Truman, paved a
road for them that is leading to the hell of ongoing war in the Middle East.
Three years ago I wrote about that special
relationship between the Turkish and Jewish peoples. My motivation was an incident
at the Davos Summit in 2009 where the Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan,
took his Israeli counterpart to task for the aggressive policies of his
government. Sad to say, that special relationship seems to have deteriorated further,
and one thing is clear: the tide of world opinion has turned, to the point
where the Turkish PM now probably represents a majority view on this issue.
Recently I was sent a link to a YouTube video satirising three leaders
of countries in this volatile part of the world. The video is entitled ‘The Three Terrors’, and presents Prime
Minister Erdoğan, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad of Iran and Bashar al-Assad of Syria as
three well-known opera singers. In a deceptively light-hearted spoof, the trio
sing of their unholy alliance to bring terror to the USA, ‘Jihad is Sweet, Jihad is Fun’, to the tune of the Italian song ‘Funiculi Funicula’.
Well, I love satire as much as the next man. As
a peaceful tool to combat the chicanery of politicians, it has no equal.
However, I have to say I found this particular spoof disturbing. It portrays PM
Erdoğan as a widely despised ‘jerk’ laughably trying to rebuild the Ottoman
Empire while allying himself with Syria’s Assad and Iran’s nuclear aspirations.
US President Obama is ‘dumb’ for exercising caution before committing his armed
forces to another costly invasion - costly in lives as well as money.
The reality, as I see it, is that Mr Erdoğan’s
government has, in ten years, succeeded in raising Turkey’s domestic standards
of living, and its international profile to the point where it is now taken
seriously on the stage of world affairs. Far from allying itself with Assad’s
government, Turkey has been accused of arming and otherwise supporting the
rebel forces. Admittedly, the AK Party Government’s attempt (in partnership
with Brazil) to broker a deal aimed at easing tensions over Iran’s nuclear
programme came to nothing – but you can’t blame them for trying. On the face of
it, searching for a peaceful compromise would seem preferable to bombing an ancient
world culture back to the Stone Age.
Sometimes I wonder about the source of the
seemingly (to me at least) excessively vituperative criticism of Mr Erdoğan’s
government circulating on the Internet and in some international journals. Check
out that video yourself, and watch it through to the end credits. Is it just
me, or did you also feel there was some common element in those names? Who
loaded the video? Some entity calling itself Latma
TV. Google them and you’ll find most of the material
is in the Hebrew language. They also recommend you to visit a site called We
Con the World, which seems not to exist
any more – but you can find a YouTube
video on that too.
Two lessons here for the modern world:
- Trying to rewrite history is going to cause more problems than you bargained on.
- If you want to be loved, you should make some effort to be lovable.
Another thoughtful and thought provoking post Alan. Can you pl email me anew re your current movements. Cheers s.
ReplyDeleteWhew. So much to absorb and think about. You probably could have predicted that I would comment on this post. Well, when you come to Rochester I will have to show you my collection of family memorabilia from the thirties, forties and fifties that pertain to the founding of Israel. You might find the stuff interesting. Having been born into a Jewish family that worked hard to support Israel's founding, in light of their own journey from the late 19th century to the middle of the 20th, I am appreciative of your comments about the course of events that led up to Israel's creation. There is no question but that Israel's founding was at the expense of Palestinians, we now understand in retrospect and no doubt many understood at the time. All I can comment on is my own experience, that many good and well-meaning people whom I knew felt that they were doing good to create a safe haven for people who had been battered and buffered. I would like to be part of an equitable solution that would provide safety and security for both sides at this point.
ReplyDeleteRegarding LATMA, I took a look and it seemed to me that it is the equivalent of our John Stewart show and Saturday Night Live, both of which are satires of the news and push very hard over the line on many occasions. Is that your understanding as well? Is there a Turkish equivalent? The humor on these shows is incredibly barbed and is often offensive. I could see someone from another culture feeling very insulted by watching these shows in the United States. If I am misunderstanding, I am happy to stand corrected!
I am always looking for ways of framing the mideast situation that seem more hopeful. What do you see as a solution? I have a good friend here who has been involved in an interesting project that is trying to play a small role in improving things. Here is the website:
Safe travels!
Is that Margie? Thanks for that link to National Geographic. It's good to see non-partisan organisations like Osprey trying to help out in the midst of all the posturing and confusion.
DeleteFor sure, finding a solution will not be easy, given that there are rights and wrongs on both sides. I'm reading a book at present which is one of the most insightful and refreshing opinions on any subject I've come across: 'Reset - Iran, Turkey and America's Future' by Stephen Kinzer. I've added the details in the sidebar. I'm thinking of reviewing and summarising it in my next post. It's definitely worth a look.
Yes, Margie here. IPMM is a nickname bestowed on me by one of my sons in law which is better explained in person!
ReplyDeleteI will look into your recommendation. Keep the ideas flowing.