There was
an interesting exhibition in Istanbul recently – a collection of paintings by
an artist called Faruk Kutlu. Not that the works themselves are likely to turn
the art world on its head, but the title caught my eye: ‘Kafkasya’dan
Sürgün’ – in English, ‘Deportation (or Exile) from the Caucasus’. It
interested me because I’d recently visited Sakarya, a small city not far from
Istanbul, and people there told me that their ancestors had come from the
Caucasus region. I’m irresistibly fascinated by these little historical
mysteries, so I had to check it out.
It turns out that representatives of the Adygeyans (which is apparently what the Circassian people of the Caucasus call themselves in their own language) have, for some time, been lobbying the Russian Government seeking an apology for an alleged genocide that took place in the 1860s. ‘Dammit,’ I hear you say. ‘This word genocide is going to lose its meaning if it gets bandied around so frequently and lightly’ – but I have to say’ this one is definitely worth a look.
It turns out that representatives of the Adygeyans (which is apparently what the Circassian people of the Caucasus call themselves in their own language) have, for some time, been lobbying the Russian Government seeking an apology for an alleged genocide that took place in the 1860s. ‘Dammit,’ I hear you say. ‘This word genocide is going to lose its meaning if it gets bandied around so frequently and lightly’ – but I have to say’ this one is definitely worth a look.

The policy
of successive Russian monarchs had been to ‘discourage’ the Muslim religion in
the interests of civilisation, Christianisation and Russification. Perversely,
the Muslim inhabitants of the Caucasus chose to reject the invitation to become
part of this Orthodox Russian civilisation, and their resistance lasted from
1817 to 1864. The intervening struggle is variously known as the Caucasian War,
the Russian Conquest of the Caucasus, and, apparently, the local Muslim
population even had the temerity to call it the Holy War! But in the end, the
result was pretty much as you would expect: the big guys beat the little guys,
and the price exacted from the little guys was in proportion to the time and
inconvenience they had put the big guys to.
actually happened at this point is, of course, not easy to ascertain.
Circassian sources claim that 400,000 of their people were killed and around
500,000 were forced to leave their homes and seek resettlement in the
neighbouring Ottoman Empire, many of these refugees dying on the journey, or
later in the crowded, insanitary conditions in which they were obliged to live
on arrival. Russian sources are understandably less specific on details, but
the matter of mass deportation is beyond dispute, as is the fact that Muslim
populations within the expanded Russian Empire became minorities in areas where
they had previously been the majority.
At this
point, I want to turn my attention from the micro- to the macro-, and to
introduce a political concept known as ‘The Great Game’. You are probably aware
that the 19th century saw the beginning of a period in
history often referred to as the Age of Imperialism. The major European nations
(including Russia) were engaged in the process of empire-building, just as some
formerly powerful empires were in the process of disintegration. Key aspects of
the imperialism business were: maintaining the balance of power while seeking
to grab as much territory as possible for your own empire, and at the same
time, limiting the growth of the others.
No doubt
you are also aware that India was the ‘Jewel in the Crown’ of the British
Empress, Victoria; and of course, Vicki and her ministers were not amused to
see that jewel threatened by the southward expansion of the Russians. ‘The
Great Game’ is the name given to the conflict and rivalry between the British
and Russian Empires for control in Central Asia. The ‘game’ became increasingly
serious from the 1850s, when oil began to assume major importance as an
economic resource. Political ‘game’ it may have been considered by some, but in
reality, it was played at great expense in money and human life. Take as
example the three Anglo-Afghan wars fought between 1839 and 1919. It’s almost
enough to make you feel sorry for the Afghans. But that’s another story.
parallel to, and occasionally overlapping this ‘game’ were the power plays
related to ‘The Eastern Question’. This was another driving force in the
policies of the European Great Powers during the 19th century and up to the end of the First World War.
Essentially, the question can be put thus: When will the Ottoman Empire finally
disintegrate, and who will get all the good bits when it does? As noted above,
all the European empire-builders were keen to benefit from the Ottoman
collapse; but at the same time they were equally keen that their rivals should
Once you
grasp these relatively simple principles, a lot of the otherwise confusing
activities of the European empire states, not to mention events unfolding in
apparently distant unrelated places, become more intelligible.
Take, for
example, the Crimean War. The Charge of the Light Brigade was no doubt a
marvellous example of the incomparable bravery and discipline of the British
fighting man. But what on earth were they doing over there fighting a war on
Russia’s back doorstep for nearly three years? Well, in fact, they were part of
a British strategy to keep Russia iced up in its frozen wastes and prevent it
from gaining access to the warm waters of the Mediterranean. In the 1850s, this
strategy required bolstering up the Ottomans and helping them defend their
Go back,
however, a mere 26 years to 1827, and you would find the warships of Britain,
France and Russia fighting together to destroy the Ottoman navy off the
coast of southern Greece. At that time, it suited the European powers to
encourage and then support Orthodox Christians to unite in a nationalist
struggle and declare the independence of the Greek peninsula. We can guess that
the British were keen to have a compliant puppet state in the eastern
Mediterranean, but what was in it for the Russians? Most likely there was some
deal going on – you help us out here and we’ll try to work something out for
you over there. Turn a blind eye to what you’re doing to the Muslims in central
Asia, for example? Incidentally, you might want to ask how those Russians got
their ships into the Mediterranean to participate in the battle. That’s the
trouble with history – you answer one puzzling question and it raises several
equally troubling new ones.
But I
refuse to be sidetracked. Our subject is genocide, and its euphemistic little
sibling, ethnic cleansing. The Greek peninsula had been part of the Ottoman
Empire for centuries, and its population had large Muslim and Jewish elements.
In fact, at this point, it will be worth our while to take a look at the
composition of the Empire. The Ottomans were a ruling elite, for sure with
their origins in the Turkish migrations from central Asia, but, by reason of
conquest, long residence and inter-marriage, considering themselves
cosmopolitan, and even (dare I say it?) European. They regarded themselves,
with some justification, as the legitimate heirs of the Byzantine Roman Empire;
the Sultan’s mother would almost certainly have been a Byzantine princess, or
Bulgarian, or Russian, but assuredly not Turkish. Their language, although
based on Turkish, had a large admixture of Persian and Arabic. Their empire
included a wide range of ethnic groupings, religions and languages, and
interestingly, they didn’t really try to impose uniformity.
Ottomans recognised four millets (nations) within their boundaries,
based primarily on religion. Muslim was the state religion, but this group
included Arabs and others, as well as Turks. Christians and Jews were ‘people
of the book’, so they were permitted to retain their religious practices and
languages, especially the local varieties of Christianity, Greek Orthodox and
Armenian. They, with the Jews and the Muslims, made up the four millets
of the empire.
happened at the time of the Greek ‘War of Independence’ was a forerunner of
what was to follow as the Ottoman Empire fell apart. We could say that the
repercussions have continued to be felt into our own times. For their own ends,
the European powers encouraged nationalist sentiments among the Christian
subjects of the Ottoman Empire. They then presented themselves as protectors of
the Christian minorities when Ottoman authorities, not unreasonably, came down
hard on separatist movements within their borders. One side effect of the Greek
War of Independence was the killing of rather a lot of Muslim civilians, whose
families had been living on the Greek peninsula for centuries.
scenarios were played out in Bulgaria and other parts of the Balkans in the
later years of the 19th century, as Russia and the geriatric
Austro-Hungarian Hapsburg Empire encouraged, also for their own purposes,
(Christian) nationalist movements to rise up and throw off the chains of
Ottoman hegemony. In fact, Muslims were still being slaughtered in the Balkans,
and refugees streaming from Bulgaria into Turkey long after the demise of the
Ottoman Empire, right up to the 1980s.
fledgling state of Greece also took the opportunity to expand its territory at
the expense of the beleaguered Ottomans. The important trading city of Selanik,
birthplace of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, and reputedly home to the largest Jewish
population in Europe, was taken by the Greeks in 1912. Not long after, a
catastrophic fire wiped out most of the Jewish and Muslim parts of town, and
you will look hard to find a mosque or a synagogue in the modern Greek city of
When the
First World War ended, the victorious vultures descended in force on the body
of the dying Ottomans. It has been argued that the punitive damages imposed on
Germany at that time contributed to the rise of Hitler and thence to the Second
World War. Under the terms of the Treaty of Sevres, the Ottoman Empire was not
merely to be punished; it was to be dismantled and the pieces given into the
hands of outsiders. For the purposes of this article, the most significant
event was the landing of a Greek army on the Aegean coast of Anatolia backed by
the guns of warships from the European victors of the ‘Great War’.
ensued was a three-year war, during which Christian inhabitants of the region
at first welcomed their ‘liberators’ and many Muslims were killed, followed by
a successful counter-attack by the newly formed Turkish nationalist forces.
Needless to say, some revenge was undoubtedly exacted by the now victorious
Muslims. The end result was a forced population exchange in which Muslims and
Christians, who had existed side by side in relative harmony for centuries,
were forcibly relocated: the Christians of Anatolia being sent to mainland
Greece to be replaced by Muslims going the other way.
It’s a
sorry tale, isn’t it! But history is history, and you can’t turn back its
relentless tide, however much you may wish to. Before we finish, however, let’s
return to the other theatre of conflict we were discussing earlier – the
expanding southern borders of Russia. Of course, as the British well knew, the
Great Bear would not be content with merely adding a few central Asian
state-lets to its empire. A major goal was always access to the Mediterranean.
Clearly the Bosporus Straits would be ever problematic, so another option was
to drive a channel though eastern Anatolia, again, at the expense of the
moribund Ottomans. Fortunately a pretext was available in the form of the
Christian Armenians, who could be incited to rebellion, then offered
‘protection’ in the form of a Russian invasion to help them set up a nationalist
state from which any inconvenient Muslims could be ethnically cleansed (though
the term was not invented till later, of course). Again, we may suspect that
Armenian independence would have been short-lived, or nominal.
However it
was, Armenian nationalists in eastern Anatolia were enthusiastic about Russian
support, and ready to create ‘incidents’ which would encourage Russian
intervention on their behalf. The Ottoman government, for their part, had a
clear example, in the Caucasus, of what was likely to happen in the event of
the Russians gaining control. Whatever happened to the Armenian millet
in 1915, and undoubtedly it was a tragic event, it needs to be remembered that,
as always, there are at least two sides to the story. The Ottoman Empire was fighting
for its life in a major war on at least three fronts. And, in an analogous
situation, as the present-day Russian government has pointed out with respect
to the Caucasus deaths, the pre-revolutionary Russian Empire was a different
There is a
short story, ‘The Whale’, penned by the New Zealand author, Witi Ihimaera,
which ends with an elderly Maori leader weeping over the bodies of a pod of
beached whales. The whales can be seen as symbolising the old culture and
traditions of his people, the indigenous race of New Zealand, whose way of life
has been irretrievably lost. ‘No wai te
he?’ the old man cries. ‘Who is to blame?’
So interesting... One does wonder about the word "genocide" though. Whether we should really reserve it for those rare instances where there is a clear intent of elimination of a people or accept the potential genocidal tendencies of all people at all times...
ReplyDeleteYou're right, Perin. For sure, 'genocide' seems to have become one of those highly charged but slightly nebulous words that can be slung around at will to put an end to an argument. Well, no one wants to be seen as a supporter of genocide, huh!